Sally Marshall

Category of work:

Skateboard artist, sign writer, muralist and illustrator. 

Describe your work in one sentence:

Grounded in a DIY aesthetic, my work is inspired by rock goddesses, neo-traditional tattooing and pop art which I will paint on any surface I can get my hands on.

Why do you do it?

I love the variety and expression.

What keeps you going (what’s your GRIT)?

I've had a traditional career and what I do now has never felt like work. I love showing my children that you can earn a living doing something you love. 

What advice would you give to somebody wanting to become a ‘creative’?

Push yourself out of your comfort zone and you won't regret it.

Tell us something unusual about yourself.

I used to play roller derby.

Website and social media handles:

Insta: @sallymarshallart

Facebook: @SallyMarshallArt


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