Lynne Tracey

Category of work:

Abstract Expressionist Painter

Describe your work in one sentence:

Big, bold, colourful art works made with a variety of media.

Why do you do it?

I love to create, its just something in me. I like to get a blank canvas and see the painting evolve.

What keeps you going (what’s your GRIT)?

Determination and the enjoyment of creating. Painting can be tough, but if you keep at it the results are worth it.

What advice would you give to somebody wanting to become a ‘creative’?

Stick at it, believe in yourself and don’t ever give up.

Tell us something unusual about yourself.

I once went on tour with The Three Degrees.

Website and social media handles:


Phone: 07969 170867

Instagram: @lynnetraceyart

Facebook: Lynne Tracey


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